Body Mass Index Information


Millions of us are overweight. This causes health issues like: diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, arthritis, varicose veins and more. If you are not sure whether or not you are overweight or underweight the BMI calculator is an efficient and quick way to check. 

Here are the (3) steps you will need to figure out your BMI:

1. Weigh yourself and multiply it by 703. (Ex. 165 x 703=115,995)

2. Divide this number by your height in inches. (115,995/74=1,567.5)

3. Divide the new number by the height in inches again. (1,567.5/74=21.18)


The BMI for this example is healthy at 21.18. You should be between 18.5 and 25.0 for a good Body Mass Index. If you are below you are underweight and if you are above you are overweight.

Be aware that the BMI range for children is different than adults.

If you are cognizant of your BMI and you know you need to lose weight you should consult with your primary care physician and work together to come up with a weight loss plan. Your physician will know what to advise you to do. Same goes for the underweight. Talk to your doctor and get the best advice possible and follow it.

Maintain a healthy weight. This will lower your risk for chronic diseases. You will feel good and you will have a better, more enjoyable lifestyle.



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