Information on Plantar Fibromatosis


A Plantar Fibroma is a non-malignant nodule usually found on the central and medial portions of the Plantar Fascia. It is slow growing and measures less than an inch in size. At first, where the nodules grow along the Plantar Fascia the disease is minor, could be uncomfortable and cause pain. However, after a period of time the cords thicken, the toes get rigid and bent and walking is decreased due to pain. There may be several nodules present. Similar condition may appear on the hands.


  • Diabetes
  • Genetics, family history
  • Alcohol and smoking
  • Stress
  • Work that involves excessive standing



  • Avoid putting pressure on the area
  • Use inserts for your shoes with soft padding or use custom made orthotics
  • Topical medications
  • Shock Wave Therapy may reduce pain and help with walking
  • Cortisone Injections may also help slow down the Plantar Fibroma, although studies are not complete
  • Surgery (as a last resort)


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