Neuropathy Specialist

Cortese Foot & Ankle Clinic

Podiatrists & Foot and Ankle Surgeons located in Normal, IL & Pontiac, IL

Peripheral neuropathy includes nerve damage in your feet, a common problem for people with diabetes. Today, neuropathy affects around half of all adults with diabetes in the United States. At Cortese Foot & Ankle Clinic, knowledgeable podiatrists Craig Cortese, DPM, FACFAS, Steve Yeschek, DPM, and Carl Cortese, BS, DPM, FACFAS, diagnose and treat neuropathy so you can enjoy being active and healthy. Call the Normal or Pontiac, Illinois, office or use the online appointment tool to book your neuropathy assessment.

Neuropathy Q & A

What is peripheral neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy is nerve damage within the peripheral nerves that aren't in your central nervous system. Your peripheral and central nervous systems work together to relay messages from the brain and spinal cord to other parts of your body.

Peripheral neuropathy is very common among people with diabetes. It can also occur in cases of nerve compression, traumatic injury, infection, toxin exposure, metabolic system problems, and other situations. Issues like vitamins deficiency can contribute, too.

What are the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy can affect your feet in many ways, including:

  • Numbness
  • Tingling or pins-and-needles feeling
  • Buzzing or electrical sensations
  • Balance difficulties
  • Extreme sensitivity to touch

It's common for peripheral neuropathy symptoms to start in the place most distant from your central nervous system, your feet. Then, you may experience these symptoms moving up your legs. Many people with peripheral neuropathy also experience symptoms in the fingers, hands, and arms.

Peripheral neuropathy can progress either slowly or rapidly. Your peripheral neuropathy symptoms can occur in flare-ups, with periods of no symptoms followed by relapses. In other cases, symptoms can remain fairly consistent over a long period.

How do you diagnose peripheral neuropathy?

Your podiatrist at Cortese Foot & Ankle Clinic can often diagnose the problem after a basic neurological exam and review of your symptoms.

If you don't have peripheral neuropathy symptoms, but your podiatrist suspects you have this condition, they may perform nerve conduction tests to verify the area and level of damage.

How do you treat peripheral neuropathy?

Addressing the underlying problem is vital. Your peripheral nerves can regrow axons and become functional again if the nerve cell isn't dead. By fixing the underlying issue, you can potentially regenerate nerves and end your neuropathy symptoms.

This means stabilizing your blood glucose if you have diabetes or taking other specific steps to manage the underlying issue as effectively as you can. You may need to make changes like losing weight, eating healthier, and reducing alcohol intake.

Combination Electroanalgesia Therapy (CET) can be a highly-effective combination treatment for peripheral neuropathy. In this treatment, your podiatrist uses local anesthesia to block nerve signaling and then uses electrical cell signaling treatment to stimulate nerve regeneration.

The anesthetic and electrical cell signaling combine to give you immediate pain relief while helping you regrow the healthy nerves needed for long-term relief.

Call Cortese Foot & Ankle Clinic or click on the online appointment scheduler for peripheral neuropathy care.